Humita po argentinskom receptu
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Tražite ukusno i utešno jelo koje će preneti vaše nepce pravo u Južnu Ameriku? Ne tražite dalje od ovog recepta za humitu! Ovaj klasični argentinski recept ima kremastu konzistenciju od svežeg kukuruza, luka i crvene paprike. U zavisnosti od regiona, takođe uključuje tikvice ili bundevu. Sve zajedno krčkano da bi…
Humita Argentinian recipe
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Looking for a flavorful and comforting dish that will transport your taste buds straight to South America? Look no further than this humita recipe! This classic Argentinian recipe features a creamy consistency from fresh corn, onions, and red bell pepper. Depending on the region, it also includes squash or pumpkin….